Allium cepa 1 on paj silk
Allium cepa 2 paj silk
Allium cepa 3 silk twill
Eucalyptus cinerea on silk twil
Eucalyptus blakelyi on silk
Eucalyptus cinerea on silk twil
Eucalyptus blakelyi on silk
Eucalyptus blakelyi, Eucalyptus Cinerea, and Allum cepa on silk
'Murrumbidgee to Edward' Eucalyptus leaves on branch
Collection of weaving on bark
Mixed media piece
'Bush on fire' Eucalyptus, acrylic and stich on canvas
'Bush on fire' Eucalyptus, acrylic and stich on canvas
Eucalyptus leaves and bark with copper on canvas
Eucalyptus leaves and bark with copper on canvas
Branch covered in Lichen stiched on canvas
Bark stiched on canvas
Eucalyptus cinerea sprigs on Poplar Bark with stiching
Two species of Lichen stiched on canvas
River Blackfish
Murray Cod
Spotted Galaxias
Little Pygmy Perch
Top - River Blackfish, Silver Perch, Spotted Galaxias, Little Pygmy Perch
Bottom - American Perch, Murray Cod, Golden Perch, Trout Cod
Watercolour on paper 2022
Lino printed scarab with Chine Colle
Lino printed scarab with Chine Colle
Lino printed scarab with Chine Colle
Lino printed scarab with Chine Colle